Helping all children achieve their potential

what i do

 Services I offer

What is Occupational Therapy? 

Occupational Therapists help individuals to carry out the skills needed to lead independent lives and fulfil their potential. Children's primary occupation is play which serves as a platform for learning. They also need to learn how to take care of themselves and go to school to learn. An occupational therapist will use play to facilitate development and learning and will provide sensory and motor experiences to help develop the child's skills and help them to achieve their milestones. 

What I do

I can provide detailed assessment, 1:1 therapy, individualised treatment programmes to address underlying difficulties, support parents and teaching staff to facilitate development, and advise on appropriate equipment and environmental adaptations. I see children in their homes, schools and nurseries across Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire.   

I always endeavour to keep the child at the centre of my care and work flexibly with parents to ensure that the therapy I provide has the most functional and positive outcomes for the child and family.

See below for the services I am able to offer. Please contact me to arrange a consultation to discuss the needs of your child and how I can best support you and your family. 

Initial assessments

Initial assessments using standardised or informal assessment form a baseline for your child's development. A detailed report with recommendations will be provided. Assessments usually take between 1-2 hours, depending on the child. I will use my professional judgement to ensure the most effective assessment method is used. 

Therapy sessions

Following an initial assessment, I may recommend therapy sessions to facilitate the development of functional skills. I will never recommend therapy that I don't feel is appropriate and necessary.  Therapy sessions are planned for an hour but can be adjusted by the client.

Treatment programmes

I will often provide an individualised and targeted programme to be carried out away from direct therapy in order for therapy input to be as effective as possible. 

Online training sessions

I can also provide online workshops/training sessions to parents and schools on Sensory Processing.